educational project

美 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl ˈprɑːdʒekt]英 [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl ˈprɒdʒekt]
  • 网络教育项目
educational projecteducational project
  1. Many charity give grant for educational project .


  2. As a national key educational project , top-quality courses have been developing rapidly all over the country .


  3. The Performance Evaluation System for Important Educational Project Investment


  4. Paying Attention to Basic Educational Project : Training Primary Teachers


  5. With the development of educational project , teachers ' professional development becomes an important research problem .


  6. As a part of educational project , mass gymnast in university has its own characteristics .


  7. QIAN Xue-sheng 's Comment on Science of Thought and Educational Project


  8. My son needed to breed them & an educational project , he said , just like the one at school .


  9. It badly affects normal life and study of needy student , and that induce more and more family and society issues which restrict Chinese senior education and fundamental educational project development .


  10. To raise practical ability of college student and carry out the consciousness to educate human through the practice , which is a target of educational project of local undergraduate college with teaching type .


  11. In the afternoon , after training at Cobham , Carlo Cudicini goes to Stamford Bride to support the Playing For Success educational project which our Football In The Community has been part of .


  12. Educational project and course system about material shaping and controlling engineering speciality is revised through combining with personal requirement of employment market of hebei province . Three directions are divided and branch of learning basic courses is optimized in new educational pattern .


  13. Discuss the orientation of the new major and analyzed the course property of the major , put forward the trinity culture model of biology , environment , and engineer about this major , set up the educational project of new major to teach the talented person .


  14. The Moso left such an impression on John Lombard , a Canadian who majored in cross-cultural studies , that he is setting up an educational project to give the Moso children better educational opportunities and to preserve their unique and fascinating cultural heritage .


  15. Educational Technology Project Management System Design and Implementation


  16. All these are critical to a successful Educational Technology Project .


  17. Higher Educational Resource-Sharing Project to Boost Coordinative Development of Chongqing Urban-Rural Area


  18. Processing and interpretive system of integrated electrical method is educational incubation project of Shanxi Province .


  19. In my educational portal project , the applications can be easily modified because the source code is available .


  20. In the educational portal project I use Microsoft 's Active Directory Server to store the user profiles .


  21. In the initial stage of open educational pilot project , there exists a problem , which cannot be ignored that learners lack independent learning during their learning time .


  22. Implementation of developing teacher evaluation is a complicated educational system project , for better practice , which need us grasp four key points to carry out : to take promoting of developing teachers as the key core ;


  23. Secondly , this thesis analyzes the concept , the history , the situation , the management process , the knowledge area and the new feature of Project Management , and then puts forward the concept of Educational Technology Project Management .


  24. Finally , combining with the intelligent educational platform project of Higher Education Press based on ontology , semantic and pragmatic , the paper designs a resource recommendation model based on user learning situation to explain the practical application of this method .


  25. Chapter three explains the establishment of university 's educational cost accounting cost project and accounting items .


  26. To construct and promote digital instructional resource sharing is an important content of " National medium and Long-term educational reform and development project summary ( 2010-2020 )" .


  27. By finding out why TV games are so popular and by translating the reasons into educational product , the project attempted to seek a way to keep motivation to learn to be continued .


  28. With the educational reform , Experimental Project of English Curriculum Assessment for School Education began in China in 2000 . The author has been involved in one of the research projects which began in Jiangxi in November in 2003 . One branch of the project is Portfolio Assessment .


  29. The educational technical training is an important component of " educational reform project in new century " and " modern long-distance education project " . The educational technical training deepens the reform in education and it can improve the important function of teaching quality .
